Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You Can't Walk Out

"No man can walk out on his own story."

When we look back at a great figure in human history, we know him or her by their story. Who they were, what they did, and how they changed things.

When you're at a funeral and the family of the departed share words, they tell a story.

When you're selling your product or service to someone, you're sharing your companies story.

Our life is one long story being told in first person. We're the main character and everything is centered on us. The environment, the people, the conflict—it's all effects us because it's happening in our story.

What's your story?

Wake up, take shower, eat, go to work, go home, eat, sleep?

That's a pretty boring story.

Plenty of us see our lives in this way. Just another day, another dollar, a simple routine. There is no real plot or climax or conflict. Think about a song with just one beat, one sound, and hit the repeat button. That's the average life.

Interesting music has a rhythm that is synchronized but dynamic. A good story has lots of conflict and resolution. It keeps us on the edge, waiting for more.

Think about the last good book you read. If you found it impossible to not turn the pages, that's a good story.

Make it impossible for people to not know what comes next. Create emotion and conflict in people. They'll love you for it even though some may be caught off guard. That's okay, they're used to mediocrity.